Seun Adebayo
Seun Adebayo
How can we possibly know the best thing to trade in a global marketplace? We have lots of ideas and that is what most of us are out and about everyday of …
When at the crossroads, the biggest challenge is knowing which way to take. So it is with life and God knows fully well that knowing the direction to foll…
An hungry man is an angry man. Was Jesus impatient and angry becuse he was hungry? Does this teach us to curse trees or anything we expect to get something …
There are those who are conservative and will uphold the biblical teaching that God does not accept any form of immorality including same sex relationships.…
There are talented people who’ll never be effective leaders because they’re more interested in themselves than in those they lead. It’s hard to lead ot…
A lot of Christians believe that once they don't smoke, womanize, drink or cheat others then they are good Christians. Achieving high moral discipl…
Small Churches always feel threatened by big Churches to the extent that they feel that most big Churches don't preach or teach the true word of God. Sm…
Two poor friends cannot help themselves. Two or more people in the same condition cannot help themselves. One must have something better than the other if t…
Once upon a time when Love came down Twas without the slightest frown Only to be treated like a clown In one piece of gown From town to town All f…
LUKE 17:20-37 May God give us the grace to have the kingdom of God within us and to preserve it with by meditating daily on the word of God. I THE KINGDOM…
What do little children think in their minds and do they dream when they sleep? I got home from the office one evening and we sat beside each other on the s…
Philemon 1 Why was Paul a prisoner and why did he mention Timothy? Who was Apphia? Archippus? (Colossians 4:17) Have you received grace and peace from…