What is God's take on same sex relationships?

There are those who are conservative and will uphold the biblical teaching that God does not accept any form of immorality including same sex relationships. God was specific about man and woman coming together in holy matrimony. Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. They have a right to proclaim this message without any form of diplomacy.
There are those who are weak and will waver when they listen to emotional and intelligent sentiments from same sex proponents. These people always find it difficult to take a stand when such conversations come up. They would rather not want to offend anyone since we are all sinners. He who has no sin let him cast the first stone.  These kind of people have a right to express such views too.
There are those who want to recruit people into same sex relationships. They don't want to be criticised and condemned but want more people to join them in order to strengthen their campaign. The more the merrier. They do not want to hear any religious proclamation on this issue but will not mind twisting Scriptures to support their views on same sex. They have a right to hold this opinions. 
No matter the opinion we all hold on this matter, God's view and command supercedes. God gave us the right to choose and he will not take that right from man. It is not for man to abuse this privilege. So how did God deal with this issue of same sex? Go to Genesis 19. Read it slowly and ask questions as you proceed. 
Same sex is not new as some think it is. Man has always found a way to carry out his desires whether it offends God or not. This is the sinful nature in man that God wants us to surrender to him to take care of and He will show us the way to please Him through faith.
Back to Genesis 19. The men of Sodom refused to sleep with Lot's virgin daughters but were protesting for Lot's guests who unknowingly to them were angels. They could not even recognize angels because they were blinded by their desires for same sex. When the protest or riot got out of control, the angels had to use their authority to blind them. It did not end there, God's judgement came upon the land. When national sin increases it speeds God's judgement. Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to anyone. 
The powerful nations are using media, money and freewill to cajole people into accepting same sex as the norm. These nations used to punish those who engaged in same sex but are now devising schemes to derail humanity with frivolous human right issues. God's judgement is what they will get because the whole world will never practice same sex relationship. Same sex is not in any way acceptable to God.
As for the false teachers and prophets who conduct same sex marriages, I leave them to God. 
If you practice same sex, God does not approve of it. I am not going to force you to give it up because force only increases your resistance. Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. The truth that will set you free is knowing that Jesus already forgave this kind of sin hence you do not need to suffer in secret thinking you are free to live your life anyhow. You will bear the consequences of your actions or inactions.

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