Time to work

I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
John 9:4 KJV

We all have a mission to complete and have a time frame this mission must be accomplished. Procrastination is a limiting barrier to success because it makes one think there's more than enough time. Anyone who must accomplish great things must learn to manage time efficiently. We all have day to work and night to rest. Even if you can work 24/7, you still need rest. Day refers to life on earth and night is afterlife.

You must understand the urgency of your tasks and prioritise accordingly. Jesus says I must and so must you. You must be about your Father's business with a sense of urgency that it demands. You have to put some personal agenda on hold. It is the same when you are running a business or working for a company. You are expected to run with the mission and vision of your organisation. Do not lose sight of your goal which is to please your Creator.

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